Glass Tetra
This species has a very unusual body shape – it’s quite thin, compressed on the sides, and while other species have a more rounded body, this one is prolonged.
This species has a very unusual body shape – it’s quite thin, compressed on the sides, and while other species have a more rounded body, this one is prolonged.
As with other varieties of tetra, Lemons are known for their peaceful disposition. They belong in peaceful community tanks. For the best results, keep a group of six or more Lemon Tetras.
The fish adapt well to a wide range of conditions. They can stay healthy is waters that are between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. While they like slightly acidic conditions, they can tolerate some alkalinity, too.
Angelfish have a beautiful, striking appearance that is unique from any other aquarium fish, with long, spectacular fins and arrowhead-shaped bodies. Angelfish are peaceful fish with occasional aggressive tendencies.
A classic addition to any freshwater aquarium, the Cory catfish is widely popular among aquarists ranging from beginner to experienced. Like most catfish, these guys are bottom dwellers that want to do their thing without disrupting others.
The Longnose Butterflyfish is a beautiful, brightly-colored yellow fish, with a long, pointed snout that can simultaneously reinforce the competing notions of deliberate design and evolution for picking food items out of the deep recesses of reef rocks.