The fish is characterized by a torpedo-shaped body with silver scales, a red line running from their snout, through the eye, back towards the middle of the body; and below the red line, a black line that runs the length of the fish to the tail. As they mature, a distinctive green/blue marking on top of the head develops.
As you can guess from their name, they have vibrant red color on their bodies. White dots break up the sides, and you’ll find white front legs and white antenna.
Fire shrimp prefer the nocturnal life, hanging upside down under ledges or in caves during the day.
Live corals are the most important contributors to the structure of a saltwater reef in nature as well as in reef aquariums. The appearance of some species of corals varies dramatically depending upon the environment. The categorization of corals continues to be in flux; the final answer may come from DNA analysis.
A classic addition to any freshwater aquarium, the Cory catfish is widely popular among aquarists ranging from beginner to experienced. Like most catfish, these guys are bottom dwellers that want to do their thing without disrupting others.
The Rock Rascal is hermaphroditic, very difficult to breed in an aquarium, and has no distinguishable differences in color between male to female.
The diet of the Rock Rascal should consist of Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, and other high-quality meaty items.
The mandarin fish’s colorful, vibrant body makes the species popular among aquarists. Mandarin fish have broad heads and scaleless bodies and grow up to 3 inches long.
Mandarin fish are difficult to care for because of their specialized dietary requirements. This species is peaceful and does well in a reef community tank.
The Longnose Butterflyfish is a beautiful, brightly-colored yellow fish, with a long, pointed snout that can simultaneously reinforce the competing notions of deliberate design and evolution for picking food items out of the deep recesses of reef rocks.
Angelfish have a beautiful, striking appearance that is unique from any other aquarium fish, with long, spectacular fins and arrowhead-shaped bodies. Angelfish are peaceful fish with occasional aggressive tendencies.